Oh no here I am, back at it again with the puns…
But really, what is it about Carob that’s got everybody talking about it? Well after doing some investigation, I’m pretty sold on it as well. In a nutshell: it’s like chocolate, only better. What on earth do you mean, what’s better than chocolate? Honestly, not a ton but this might be one of them. Especially for those of you who can’t eat a lot of dairy, caffeine or lots of sugar, Carob is your holy grail. And you don’t need to have dietary needs to love it. Consider the highlights:
- It tastes similar to chocolate, AND it’s low-fat.
- Without caffeine, it’s a dessert that doesn’t keep you up all night or give you a migraine.
- It is packed to the brim with vitamins and nutrients.
- Plus you can feed it to your dogs as a treat without harming them! (This is superb news for the pet owners out there!)
What is Carob?
Native to the Mediterranean, carob trees were first grown in Ancient Greece. Starting off as bushes, they were originally trained into a tree-like stature and are now grown in that same way. The trees begin producing pods at ages 6-8 years and can easily produce over 100 pounds of ‘fruit’ per year! These pods (which can be up to a foot in length!) are filled with a substance looking like a bunch of tiny seeds and pulp, which is where the ‘carob’ we know of today is harvested. After harvest, these legumes are roasted or cooked (roasting enhances chocolate flavor), then ground into powder to then be transformed into a plethora of sweet treats.
You can buy carob in many forms such as powder, chips, syrups, dietary pills, flours, and more. You can even eat the carob pods! People describe the taste of carob as sweet and ‘earthy’ with a cocoa like finish. Some even detect hints of caramel in the background. Sounds too good to be true!
Health Benefits
In the past carob was originally used to calm an upset stomach, due to its high levels of pectin (a type of soluble fiber). Which makes it the ideal way to help your kids feel better in case of a stomach ache. Give ‘em some carob, it tastes like candy! What kid is going to resist something sweet when they’re feeling awful? Carob also has specific antioxidants called polyphenols, which have been known to reduce the risk of heart disease, and may even help individuals with asthma! In addition, carob is perfect for those of you who feel like shedding a couple of extra pounds, or just feel like trying out a low-fat diet. Carob has virtually no fat, low sodium levels, and high amounts of fiber which leaves you feeling full longer. Plus, carob is stuffed with tons of vitamins, including Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc and more!Can I get a BOO-YAH?
The Takeaway
Look out because carob is the next best thing in the healthy eating world, and it’s no wonder why. Not only is it nutritious, but it’s a delectable confection as well. Known as the new chocolate, carob is an optimal replacement as your guilty pleasure, except there’s no guilt involved. It’s all natural, healthy and might even help you lose weight. Now that’s what I call a miracle product. Health gurus around the world are using it in different ways, to create exciting recipes that will blow your mind. So I guess what I’m trying to say is, the ‘carob’bean cruise is taking off, are you ready to jump onboard?!
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