Our Partners

Rainforest Alliance CertifiedThe Rainforest Alliance is a growing network of farmers, foresters, communities, scientists, governments, environmentalists, and businesses dedicated to conserving biodiversity and ensuring sustainable livelihoods. We are an international non-profit organization working to build strong forests, healthy agricultural landscapes, and thriving communities through creative, pragmatic collaboration.

Marine Stewardship CouncilThe MSC is an international non-profit organisation addressing the problem of unsustainable fishing, and safeguarding seafood supplies for the future. Using our fisheries certification and seafood labelling program, the MSC works with partners to promote sustainable fishing and transform markets. The MSC’s certification and ecolabelling program enables everybody to play a part in securing a healthy future for our oceans.

Monterey Bay Green BusinessThe Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program is a successful partnership of environmental agencies, utilities and nonprofit organizations that assist, recognize and promote businesses and government agencies that volunteer to operate in a more environmentally responsible way. To be certified “green,” participants must be in compliance with all regulations and meet program standards for conserving resources, preventing pollution and minimizing waste. We offer motivated businesses and agencies an easy-to-use framework for improving environmental performance.

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