Our Green Commitment

Green Commitment [Icon]

Since its’ founding, SunRidge Farms™ has been committed to green living. Our green commitment goes beyond our organic and all natural products. We want to make the world a better place for our customers, employees, and the planet. By offering sustainably produced products, supporting charitable causes, incorporating greener business practices throughout our offices and warehouse, our commitment to make a difference in the world grows stronger each day.


Powered By the Sun


Our solar array of 3,052 solar panels now produces 785,000 Kilowatt-hours of annual production energy. This enables the system to supply 50-57 percent of our company’s energy needs.

We are proud to have created one of our nation’s first Certified Organic and solar powered candy plants! Furthermore we utilize passive solar lighting with skylights and windows for our offices and warehouses.

Our solar sources will prevent an estimated 1.3 million pounds of CO2 from entering the earth’s atmosphere each year. This equates to 784,080 square feet, or 18 acres of trees annually!


Reduce Waste, Recycle and Reuse


We work to reduce packaging waste and reduce our carbon footprint. The main way we do so is by advocating for bulk shopping and bulk sets in stores across the country.

We utilize low flow water saving devices and are proud to facilitate a thorough recycling program throughout our production warehouse and offices. All of our shipping boxes are made from recycled material!

We work to produce less waste in all of our actions. We donate thousands of pounds of food to Second Harvest Food Bank annually.


Growing Healthy Together


We work hard to make SunRidge Farms a healthy and rewarding place to work. We offer employees a bike-to-work program that pays staff members $5 a day to bike to and from work, and we provide our team with a 24-hour work and recreation center, onsite fitness classes, recycling education classes and more.

We’ve installed full-spectrum lighting in office workspaces, low voltage/low energy lighting in the warehouses, and filtered air systems for our team. We also utilize biodiesel delivery trucks and provide hybrid cars for our sales team.


A Network of Support


SunRidge is proud to be able to support a number of causes we feel passionately about. We want to leave the world better than we found it and foster the next generation as best we can. We support hundreds of small and family owned organic farms, as well as champion the work of foundations like the Organic Farming Research Foundation and Earth Justice.

We are proud supporters of wildlife donating regularly to the Defenders of Wildlife, the National Park Foundation and the National Wildlife Federation

©2025 SunRidge Farms™ | Website by DW Green Company | All rights reserved | 423 Salinas Rd, Royal Oaks, CA 95076 | Privacy Policy