In the December issue of Diet and Nutrition Magazine, SunRidge Farms’ Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix received an Editor’s Pick. Visit your grocer’s bulk section and pick some up. If you’d like to try it prepackaged, it’s not up on the website yet but you can contact us directly using our contact page and we’ll take your order. Here’s a link to the story in Diet and Nutrition, [link]
Supporting the Local Homeless
Many of us saw the story on Ted Williams, the homeless former radio announcer, who has earned a second chance in his field with MSNBC after a viral media run took place after an interview with a journalist in Columbus, Ohio. Here’s a link to that story:[link] There are many others, including families, that need the same type of luck to happen for them. In every community there are organizations that dedicate themselves to this concern. One of these is the Homeless Services Center in Santa Cruz. Falcon Trading Company is pleased to contribute to this organization which hosted the… Read More
Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix review from LeafyGreen
Recently, we had several products reviewed by folks at and our new Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix is another SunRidge Farms winner! Head to the bulk section at your favorite grocer and pick some up today. View the article here [link]
Berries and Chocolate Antioxidant Mix – 1% of sales goes to Defenders of Wildlife
Save Money, Keep Edibles Fresh with Bulk Food Storage Secrets
National Bulk Week isn’t until October but buying bulk makes sense now. There is no doubt that buying bulk saves money but what to do with storage in order for the foods to stay fresh? This article was written last year just prior to National Bulk Week in October. Everything in the article though is relevant to now; even more so due to rising food costs.Check out the information on storing bulk foods so that you can buy these items with confidence, knowing that you’ll be able to save the money and not waste the food.Click here to become a… Read More
How do you store your bulk foods?
You’ve done your research; you know that buying bulk foods will save you money and it’s a much greener habit than buying packaged foods. That first walk down the aisle with all the bins seems a bit daunting but you gamely load up various bags with trail mix, granola, pasta, and some dried fruit. Upon arriving home, you face the only real dilemma….where do you store your new bulk purchases? Good question…let’s see if we can help. First off, the bins at the store really aren’t great storage devices. Typically they are too big and cumbersome for home use. We… Read More
Genetically engineered sugar by Monsanto – educate yourself
We believe that the concerns over GMO foods are valid. Genetic engineering of foods is rampant and sugar is part of this new wave. Here’s some information on the latest concerns over Genetically Engineered sugar created by Monsanto – [link]
National BULK DAY is October 23, 2010
Who buys bulk? Why buy bulk? What is bulk? Now is the time to find out. October 23rd is officially National BULK DAY. Download the PDF to your right for details and visit the Bulk is Green Council at Bulk is Green Council Download PDF
Non GMO Shopping Guide
The interest in NonGMO foods is growing yet many people don’t know how best to avoid the foods that contain GMO’s. To save you time, we found the following list located at the following link. Just click and use their printer function to enable you to put a list at your fingertips. SunRidge Farms uses NonGMO ingredients, whenever possible, in our products.
More Green shopping tips to save Green($$)
How can I eat better and save money if I’m buying organic? There are ways to get around some of the premium associated with purchasing organic products. The following video on YouTube shows you how. check out bulk and save serious $$