European Union urges testing of US Wheat Exports

Here’s the story on the EU’s decision to test all imported wheat, following Japan’s cancellation of current orders of US Wheat, [link] The potential economic impact of Monsanto’s illegal strain of wheat found growing in Oregon is another reason that our seed supply and crop methods should not be under the influence of just a small number of companies.  Whether or not you agree with the concerns over GMO’s, the fact that a strain of wheat that shouldn’t exist DOES in fact exist raises significant concerns over all GM crops and our ability to keep some Non-GMO seeds and crops… Read More

Collection Drive underway for Kidz Backpack Project

SunRidge Farms is pleased to be supporter of the Kidz Backpack Project which aims to put a new or gently used school backpack filled with school supplies in the hands of kids in need for their upcoming school year.  This program has been going since 2003 and last year supplied 345 completed backpacks here in Santa Cruz!  This year’s goal is 350 so please join us in supporting a very worthy cause.  For more on the story, please see this article from the Santa Cruz Sentinel – [link]

More and more food companies are trying to source Non-GMO

The news on the Non-GMO front is continuing to heat up as over 2 million people across the world marched against Monsanto on May 25th.  As this battle continues to heat up more and more food suppliers are searching for ingredients that are GMO free.   Companies like Whole Foods that are requiring their suppliers to ensure that their products are Non-GMO are also adding fuel to the fire.  We feel this is great news as the corporations that stand behind the GM crops still haven’t been willing to do the research to demonstrate why their foods are exactly the same… Read More

Organic Food Industry Gains Clout on Capitol Hill

Organic farming is rattling the entrenched agri-business community with a proposed amendment that would would allow the organic industry to organize and pay for a unified industry promotional campaign called a “check-off” that is facilitated by the Agriculture Department but is no cost to the government. These promotional programs have traditionally been limited to individual commodities or crops, producing familiar campaigns like “Got Milk?” and “Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner.”  This amendment passed committee even with comments like this: “That’s one of the things that has caught me and raises my concerns, is that industry’s lack of respect for traditional… Read More

Some immediate GE crop assessment needs!

Food Safety News brings us this article regarding urgently needed assessments of some additional concerns with genetically engineered crops.  The public’s help is needed to ensure that these assessments are accomplished by pushing our public officials to support independent research.  See the latest here – [link]

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