What's killing the bees?

Honeybee’s are good.  We know this since about 80% of our food supply is pollinated by bees.  Honeybee’s are also dying at incredible rates each year; so much so that our food supply is at risk.  The US Government has a take on the colony collapse that is happening and here’s their report, [link] Simply put, regardless the reason for the decline in bee populations, we have to take this seriously and realize that if pollinators go away so do humans.  All of need to be aware of our actions that contribute to the bee decline.  One of those factors… Read More

We are a lifestyle company that just happens to sell really good foods!

It’s April 2013 and late last year we celebrated 30 years of business. The staff here at SunRidge Farms did an amazing job of finding photographs and attaching captions and stories on a timeline that covered one of the walls of our building so those of us who hadn’t been part of the entire journey could ‘see’ the beginning and follow that to our current status. It truly tells a wonderful story and emphasized how we truly are a lifestyle company that produces excellent foods. Wouldn’t that make us a food company? Well, there is no doubt that foods play… Read More

New Leaf Community Markets will require GMO labeled products!

We were so excited to see another grocery retailer taking the steps to require their suppliers to label their products as to their GMO content.   As the evidence mounts that GMO’s are a health concern we applaud efforts to limit our exposure to these ‘foods’.   For more on this visit the New Leaf Community Markets website at [link]

April 21st is National Chocolate Covered Cashew Day

You heard correctly!  April 21st is National Chocolate Covered Cashew Day.  Good thing SunRidge Farms has you covered.  You’ll want to visit your favorite retailer that is carrying our bulk products and look for item 022608 to find delicious Dark Chocolate Covered Cashews.  Make this the year you buy bulk foods.  Let’s take care of the environment and save money by reducing packaging.

NFC announces NO GMO Kosher Policy

NFC, a leading certifier of Kosher foods, has instituted a NO GMO Policy.  “While according to the strict letter of Kosher food law, a GMO food ingredient is not prohibited, it certainly is not natural,” says Rabbi Reuven Flamer, Founder and Director of NFC.  For more on this, here’s the link to the NFC website – [link]

The addictiveness of junk food! Check out this excerpt from a new book!

Unhealthy and highly processed junk food.  It’s everywhere since it seems so innocuous and simple.  However, the truth is that these snacks are quite ominous and not so simple.  We understand this and it’s one of the driving motivations for our creativity in coming up with new snacks that are healthier and lightly processed, if at all.   Part of the problem in the proliferation of these snacks that are undermining the health of consumer who is purchasing them is the lack of knowledge or awareness to these concerns.  That’s about to change! The following article adapted from “Salt Sugar Fat:… Read More

Is Monsanto more powerful than the US Government?

The Farmers Assurance Provision, slipped into a recent spending bill essentially strips the courts of the ability to challenge Monsanto’s GMO seeds or crops even if the courts become aware of health issues related to those items.  Read more on the story here – [link]

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