Grocery Chain takes labeling of GMO's into own hands

The fight to label GM foods isn’t over and it looks like the grocery retailers might force the issue.   The Hiller’s grocery chain in Detroit is labeling all of the foods in their stores to help consumers know if it is Non-GMO or not.  We like this approach and wanted to share this story.  [link]

SunRidge Farms will be in booth 2789 at the Natural Products EXPO West

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Natural Products EXPO West in Anaheim, March 8-10. Come by our booth #2789 and sample some of our newest items and get all the information you need on our bulk displays, packaged products, and HealthyGO snacks. For information on the show and a location map to our booth, please follow this link, [link],438

Eat better, remove these items from your diet!

We found this story on Yahoo today and wanted to link to it since it offered very reasonable reasons for avoiding certain types of foods, food additives, etc. that we feel very strongly about as well.  In some cases it’s not just the food itself but the process in which is grown which often times is very detrimental to the environment as well as the likelihood of being detrimental to you.   By removing these 14 items from your diet you stand a great chance of improving your health this year.  [link]

Choosing to eat better one step at a time!

Welcome to 2013!  The New Year Resolutions are still fresh in our minds yet they can quickly fall by the wayside if we don’t keep some focus.  I kept mine a bit simpler this year so that I can continue this journey into better foods that started a couple of years ago.  Eating better has had additional benefits that were not my intention when I resolved to feed my family better that must be mentioned too, but first let’s look at how we can eat better. We know that we need so many servings of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and… Read More

Further indications that corn syrup negatively impacts the body

We have been concerned about corn syrup for a variety of reasons at SunRidge Farms for many, many years.  It’s such a staple sweetener in the food industry due to it’s low cost and availability but it’s negative health impact is becoming clearer.  The most recent study on this sweetener indicates that the brain does not recognize that we are eating by telling us we are now ‘full’.  The impact on weight and other health concerns can be severe with excessive sugar in the body and the high potential for over eating.  For more information on this story, please read… Read More

New Years Resolutions – 9 foods to never eat again!

Now is the time for those famous New Years Resolutions.  Here’s one resolution that isn’t so easy to keep but can be so helpful long term.  Take a look at try to avoid these foods – [link] Please share this with family and friends to help them become aware of the dangers posed by foods that simply aren’t good for us.

How well does the FDA listen to us??

As frustrating as it is to us to realize that the FDA is in the deep pockets of business, it’s doubly frustrating when our elected officials can’t get them to respond.  Despite over 400,000 public comments and congressional input demanding that a new ‘transgenic’ salmon be studied and all risks mitigated before approval, the folks in charge at the FDA chose to ignore these pleas and approve this new fish species.   Four Hundred Thousand comments against and the FDA still wants us to be the guinea pigs.   For more on this story, please read this – [link] The only way… Read More

Pesticide use increases with use of GMO crops

In an exhaustive analysis of publicly available government data and contrary to the claims of Monsanto and others in the GM field, pesticide use is now significantly higher than prior to their introduction.  Insects that are already resistant to BT are becoming resistant to even stronger pesticides and with BT staying in the soil up to 6 months after harvest, we’re looking at environmental contamination possibilities including our aquatic ecosystems.  For more on this study, please read this – [link]

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