What happens if the bees die??

Lost in the noise over labeling is a much deeper concern that is directly related to the chemical companies that produce pesticides, as well as the use of GM crops.  CCD, or colony collapse disorder, is being linked to systemic pesticides called neonicotinoids.  These pesticides disrupt the central nervous system of pollinators.  This is acknowledged by the EPA yet the EPA has taken no action to look at or suspend the use of these chemicals.  Hive colonies have lost 30% of their populations due to die off, yet the EPA says ‘bees are fine’.  Since fully a third of ALL… Read More

Bugs affecting Monsanto corn likely doing the same to Syngenta corn

Rootworms are becoming resistant to Monsanto corn and that resistance apparently applies to the Syngenta corn strain as well.  What does that mean??  Those crops are not the answer as this means more pesticide must be applied to a plant that was engineered to have it’s own insecticide to deal with rootworms.  And we’re not supposed to be worried about GM crops??  For more, read this – [link]|head

Spotlight on Erie Region – Bulk Food Stores

In trying to shop and eat better, finding bulk food grocers is imperative. Your standard grocer may or may not have a bulk food set, or it may be limited. Look closer and you’ll find a myriad of smaller, yet more complete specialized bulk food stores. In the northwest region of Pennsylvania you’ll find almost a dozen. Here’s a look from their regional newspaper – [link]

Farmers need to beware of Monsanto contract

Many farmers were listed as opponents of the GM labeling effort in California (PROP 37) but if they really understood the contract they’ve signed when they planted Monsanto crops they might have decided differently.  Monsanto is making the farmer sign a contract that makes the farmer liable for everything related to growing, cross contamination, and injury.  Monsanto is trying to hide behind the farmers so that they can disclaim issues arising with their crops so that as more evidence comes in that GM products aren’t safe, it will be the farmers fault.  Read the facts here and if you know… Read More

Will you boycott the brands that are against Prop 37?

This is an important point.  Win or lose on this particular legislation (Prop 37), 90% of us still want to know what’s in our foods and we can still force the issue by choosing not to support the companies and the brands they sell that joined in the fight against.  The following article raises these questions – [link] Let’s not be punitive…simply VOTE YES on PROP 37 next Tuesday!

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