Fuel your adventure with SunRidge Farms this Fall! Find this months promo code here for 20% online orders.

The approach of autumn isn’t the end of summer fun.  Let’s stay active and embrace the slight chill in the air and sunlight that fades a little earlier each day.  Staying active requires fueling the body and that’s where we at SunRidge Farms come in.  Trail mixes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and granola all provide easy to carry and nourishing sustenance for adventures of all types, from taking the kids to the Halloween store or pumpkin patch, enjoying  full moon stand up paddling sessions, or taking those treks in the hills that were too grueling in the summer heat.  The… Read More

SunRidge Farms – entering the digital age of organic and all natural foods

If you stop by our website frequently you’ve noticed something different during this visit…we’ve changed.  This is for the better, though we know it will cause some growing pains with our long term followers.  We’ve launched the site quietly as it’s as shocking to us as it is to the aforementioned long timers.  Please enjoy the significant improvements – you can use your phone or tablet as well as your computer; nutritional panel and ingredient information is front and center;  and increased accessibility to our vast selection of items – that will aid you in your pursuit of a healthier… Read More

Trail Mix

It was 75 degrees in Santa Cruz last Sunday and the urge to dust off the camping and backpacking gear was too great to resist. I pulled it all out and began to go through everything to see what was needed for the coming season. Fortunately, it looks as if all the gear is in tip top shape and I only need to pick up some more bear spray and small propane cartridges for the stove and it’s go time. Oh yeah, and to load up on SunRidge Farms Trail Mix and other SunRidge Farms mixes for snacking on the… Read More

Getting better at buying in bulk!

The conversion from a standard grocery store shopper to a more disciplined and careful BULK grocery shopper has taken time but the results are clearly positive. We’re eating better foods, snacking less, and reducing our waste impact. The really great thing is that in the bulk shopping I’m talking about doesn’t require me to buy 10 lbs. of pasta to get my savings like warehouse bulk buying requires. If we’re having pasta for dinner I can buy 12 oz. in bulk instead of a prepackaged 16 oz box knowing that we only eat 12 oz. and likely throw the rest… Read More

Holiday treats from SunRidge Farms

The kids are soon finished with school prior to the Christmas break which means they will be running around the house, going out to play, and winding themselves up right through Christmas Eve. After the excitement Christmas morning, they’ll start all over again trying to get as much fun stuff in before they have to go back. Why fuel their fire with junk candy and unhealthy treats? We have a suggestion! Introduce them to bulk foods and snacks available from SunRidge Farms. Visit your favorite grocery store and let the kids pick out some new treats that will have them… Read More

GMO debate rages on…no clear answer in sight…or is there?

It appears that Washington State voters weren’t prepared to be the labeling initiators for GMO foods.  I-522 currently trails in the voting results that have been announced so far and it’s unlikely that further returns will be enough to pass the measure.   While disappointing to those of us who vigorously support labeling of GMO’s, we have to realize how far we’ve come in making people aware of the concerns of GMO’s in a relatively short time and that this is when those that are concerned must reach deep and continue to push.  Having closely observed both the California and Washington… Read More

The GMO debate – why is it so hard to figure out?

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) – are they good? and/or are they bad?  This debate is raging in the public realm right now as California voters narrowly defeated a measure to label them in California (Prop 37) last year and Washington State voters are about to decide if they will be the first of the states to adopt a formal labeling requirement.   Trying to understand what the ‘right’ thing to do is very difficult as propaganda and murky science seem to rule the day.  Both ‘sides’ of the debate use the murky science and propaganda to further their respective agendas as… Read More

How much time is adequate for human safety trials?

Recently Monsanto and other chemical companies created a website that is supposed to ‘clear the air’ about Genetically Modified Organisms.  This new ‘transparency’ is an attempt at making these products easy to understand and to minimize any possibility that these foods might actually be detrimental to the human body.  However, the PR firm hired to create this website so far has yet to be identified.  Transparency??   Perhaps this PR firm is actually afraid of being identified, perhaps not…yet it stands to reason that fear of being associated publicly with Monsanto might not be so good for business. So what does… Read More

We are a lifestyle company that just happens to sell really good foods!

It’s April 2013 and late last year we celebrated 30 years of business. The staff here at SunRidge Farms did an amazing job of finding photographs and attaching captions and stories on a timeline that covered one of the walls of our building so those of us who hadn’t been part of the entire journey could ‘see’ the beginning and follow that to our current status. It truly tells a wonderful story and emphasized how we truly are a lifestyle company that produces excellent foods. Wouldn’t that make us a food company? Well, there is no doubt that foods play… Read More

Choosing to eat better one step at a time!

Welcome to 2013!  The New Year Resolutions are still fresh in our minds yet they can quickly fall by the wayside if we don’t keep some focus.  I kept mine a bit simpler this year so that I can continue this journey into better foods that started a couple of years ago.  Eating better has had additional benefits that were not my intention when I resolved to feed my family better that must be mentioned too, but first let’s look at how we can eat better. We know that we need so many servings of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and… Read More

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