Country of Origin – Here's how the USDA defines this!

Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) and whether or not an item package discloses this is often a concern for the consumer.  We see news reports of food contamination, heavy metals, excessive pesticides, etc. and often the finger is pointed at items from other countries outside of the USA.  Based on this, shouldn’t every item have a country of origin so we, as consumers, can easily identify foods that are safe to eat simply by where they come from?  Unfortunately it’s not that easy and it’s certainly unfair to scapegoat a country or region of the world simply because we’ve been… Read More

Unilever, Coca Cola, and Nestle create Non-GMO products for Europe

Europeans have made it clear that they do not want GMO’s in their foods.  Several major companies are developing Non-GMO items for their European customers while still spending significant amounts of money fighting GMO labeling and the production of GM products here in the USA.  For more on this story click here – [link]

Another GMO related consequence – Monarch butterfly migration

Are we seeing the end of the monarch butterfly migration?  Huge declines in their natural food due to heavy GM cotton and GM soybean planting in the USA is leading to a precipitous decline in the monarch population and their annual migration.  One of those migration routes is right here in Santa Cruz County at Natural Bridges State Park.  This is but another reason for us to reconsider GM crops and their purported ‘value’.  From the Christian Science Monitor comes this story – [link]

Grocery Manufacturers Association plans to sue Vermont over GMO labeling

As the ink was drying on the bill Governor Shumlin signed into law last Thursday, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) threatened to sue the State of Vermont.  This has been expected and Vermont has planned for this; for more on the story please see – [link] SunRidge Farms supports the labeling of GMO’s and is already labeling verified Non-GMO items currently.

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